Ausgewählte Familien und Personen


Julius (Julian) Walentin PEPEL

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Reiner P. Kerp, K042r1.

3Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, SGGEE001r3.

4Kościoł rzymskokatolickie Skulsk, Geburtsurkunde Skulsk rk. 1856/50, Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1988, FHL INTL Film 752878, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA.

5Kościoł rzymskokatolickie Skulsk, Geburtsurkunde Skulsk rk. 1856/50.

6Sterbeurkunde Zduńska Wola ev. 1891/78.

7Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 1608618 item 7/1880/#54, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

8Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1880/54.

9Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1880/54.

10Sterbeurkunde Zduńska Wola ev. 1891/78.

11Sterbeurkunde Zduńska Wola ev. 1891/78.

12Kościoł rzymskokatolickie Skulsk, Geburtsurkunde Skulsk rk. 1856/50.

13Kościoł rzymskokatolickie Skulsk, Geburtsurkunde Skulsk rk. 1856/50.

14Kościoł rzymskokatolickie Skulsk, Geburtsurkunde Skulsk rk. 1856/50.

15Kościoł rzymskokatolickie Skulsk, Geburtsurkunde Skulsk rk. 1856/50.

16Sterbeurkunde Zduńska Wola ev. 1891/78.

Emilie BLOCH

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758348/1853/#47, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

3Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1853/047.

4Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo), 1608618 item 7/1880/#54.

5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1880/54.

6Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1880/54.

7Auszug aus dem Standesregister Zdunska Wola, Eheschließungsakt 1906/15.

8Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1853/047.

9Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1853/047.

10Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1853/047.

Martin JANKE

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

3Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

4Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758350/1862/#1, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

6Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

7Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

8Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

Anna Carolina PEPEL

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe, S G G E E - Database.

3Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

4Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe, S G G E E - Database.

5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

6Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758350/1862/#1, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

7Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

8Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

9Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

10Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

Wilhelm JAHNKE

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758350/1862/#387, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.


1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758351/1864/#21, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

Ernestine JAHNKE

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 1191411 item 5/1866/#198, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.


1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 1191412 item 2/1869/#64, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

Henriette JAHNKE

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 1191412 item 4/1871/#120, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

Johann BLOCH

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/5, #21, 1819).

3Sterbeurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/263.

4Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758349/1857/#263, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

Anna Rosalie SPLETT

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Gottlieb BLOCH

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758348/1851/#190, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.


1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758348/1854/#243, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

Karoline Kristine BLOCH

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758349/1858/#36, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

Johann Josef ERDMANN

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1851/41.

3Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1859/16.

4Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1849/44.

5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

6Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1849/44.

7Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1851/41.

8Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1851/41.

9Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1852/22.

10Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1858/80.

11Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1859/16.

12Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1859/72.

13Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

Juliane TONN

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758349/1857/#76, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

Karoline ERDMANN

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758348/1853/#82, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

Friedrich Wilhelm ERDMANN

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Johann Josef ERDMANN

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1851/41.

3Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1859/16.

4Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1849/44.

5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

6Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1860/08.

7Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1860/08.

8Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1860/08.

9Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1860/08.

10Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1849/44.

11Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1851/41.

12Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1851/41.

13Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1852/22.

14Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1858/80.

15Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1859/16.

16Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1859/72.

17Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/01.

Adolfine PEPEL

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe, S G G E E - Database.

3Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1860/08.

4Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe, S G G E E - Database.

5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1860/08.

6Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1860/08.

7Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1860/08.

8Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1860/08.

9Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1860/08.


1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.


1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Henriette ERDMANN

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758351/1863/#128, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

Heinrich ERDMANN

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758351/1864/#324, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

Ernestine ERDMANN

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 1191411 item 6/1867/#89, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

Friedrich RODE

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Marianna DREWS

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Juliane RODE

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Christoph ERDMANN

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Marianne <ERDMANN>

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Christoph BUSLER

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1855/03.

3Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

4Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1856/24.

5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

6Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

7Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

8Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

9Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

10Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1855/03.

11Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

Anna Rosina BLOCH

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

3Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/1, #10, 1816/17).

4Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/1, #10, 1816/17).

5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1858/21.

6Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

7Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

8Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

9Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

10Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/1, #10, 1816/17).

11Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1858/21.

12Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/1, #10, 1816/17).

13Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

14Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

Ferdinand BUSLER

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758350/1860/#17, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.

Johann Christoph SOMMERFELD

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Anna Rosina BLOCH

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

3Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/1, #10, 1816/17).

4Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/1, #10, 1816/17).

5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1858/21.

6Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/1, #10, 1816/17).

7Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1858/21.

8Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/1, #10, 1816/17).

9Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

10Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

Friedrich Wilhelm SOMMERFELD

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.


1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Gottfried PINNO

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1850/49.

3Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/09.

4Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Babiak (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1969, 1981, 1988), 1201322/1870/#8, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0810111-0810117, 1201322, 1201323, 1608612-1608613.

5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1850/49.

Anna Rosina BLOCH

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

3Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/1, #10, 1816/17).

4Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/1, #10, 1816/17).

5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1858/21.

6Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Babiak (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1969, 1981, 1988), 1201322/1870/#8, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0810111-0810117, 1201322, 1201323, 1608612-1608613.

7Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/1, #10, 1816/17).

8Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1858/21.

9Taufregister Polajewo rk. (LDS Film 2065553/1, #10, 1816/17).

10Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.

11Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1857/47.