Ausgewählte Familien und Personen


Christoph GEMM

1Taufurkunde Germau 1745/16.

2Heiratsurkunde Germau 1718/14.

3Taufurkunde Germau 1745/16.

4ev. Heiratsregister Germau, Samland, Ostpreußen, # 14.

5Taufurkunde Germau 1745/16.

Elisabeth STIEGE

1Heiratsurkunde Germau 1718/14.

Anna Dorothea GEMM

1Taufurkunde Germau 1719/39.

2Taufurkunde Germau 1719/39.

3Taufurkunde Germau 1719/39.

4Taufurkunde Germau 1719/39.

5Taufurkunde Germau 1719/39.

6Taufurkunde Germau 1719/39.

7Taufurkunde Germau 1719/39.

8Taufurkunde Germau 1719/39.

Johann Christoph GEMM

1Geburtenübersicht Germau.

Christoph GEMM

1Geburtenübersicht Germau.

Anna Barbara GEMM

1Geburtenübersicht Germau.

Johann Fridrich GEMM

1Geburtenübersicht Germau.

Johann George GEMM

1Geburtenübersicht Germau.

Johann Christian GEMM

1Geburtenübersicht Germau.


1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, SGGEE001r3.

Karoline OELKE

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, SGGEE001r3.

Stefan REICH

1Geburtsurkunde Babiak ev. 1846/107.

2Geburtsurkunde Babiak ev. 1846/107.

3Geburtsurkunde Babiak ev. 1846/107.

Elisabeth BEHLER

1Geburtsurkunde Babiak ev. 1846/107.

2Geburtsurkunde Babiak ev. 1846/107.

August REICH

1Geburtsurkunde Babiak ev. 1846/107.

2Geburtsurkunde Babiak ev. 1846/107.

Gottfried PINNO

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1850/49.

3Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/09.

4Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1850/49.

Anna Karoline HAHN

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1850/49.

3Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1850/49.

4Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/04.

5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1850/49.

6Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1850/49.

Anna Luise PINNO

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.


1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Ludwig PINNO

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Michael PINNO

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Johann PINNO

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Wilhelmine PINNO

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Anna Susanne PINNO

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Samuel PINNO

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

Michael SPLETT

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol rzymsko-katolicki (Roman Catholic Church), Parafja Dabrowice (Kutno), (R-K), Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1968, 1971, 0689821/1812/#6, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films #0689821-0689823, 0702325-0702328, 0767063.

Anna Rosine SCHMIDT

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.

2Kosciol rzymsko-katolicki (Roman Catholic Church), Parafja Dabrowice (Kutno), (R-K), Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1968, 1971, 0689821/1812/#6, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films #0689821-0689823, 0702325-0702328, 0767063.

Johann BLOCH

1Heiratsurkunde Babiak ev. 1841/022.

Dorothea NN

1Heiratsurkunde Babiak ev. 1841/022.

2Heiratsurkunde Babiak ev. 1841/022.


1Heiratsurkunde Babiak ev. 1841/022.

2Heiratsurkunde Babiak ev. 1841/022.

3Heiratsurkunde Babiak ev. 1841/022.

Elisabeth BLOCH

1Heiratsurkunde Babiak ev. 1841/022.

2Heiratsurkunde Babiak ev. 1841/022.

3Heiratsurkunde Babiak ev. 1841/022.

Elisabeth BLOCH

1Heiratsurkunde Babiak ev. 1841/022.

Johann SIEDE

1Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1849/16.

Anna Catharina JANKE

1Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1849/16.

2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1849/16.

August LISKE

1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.


1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.