1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.
2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1850/49.
3Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1862/09.
4Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Babiak (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1969, 1981, 1988), 0810116/1857/#22, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0810111-0810117, 1201322, 1201323, 1608612-1608613.
5Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1850/49.
1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.
2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Babiak (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1969, 1981, 1988), 0810116/1857/#22, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0810111-0810117, 1201322, 1201323, 1608612-1608613.
1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.
2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758350/1860/#23, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.
1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.
1Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1849/35.
1Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1849/35.
2Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1849/35.
3Heiratsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1849/35.
1Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1848/127.
2Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1848/127.
3Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1848/127.
1Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1848/127.
2Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1848/127.
1Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1848/127.
2Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1848/127.
3Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1848/127.
4Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1848/127.
5Geburtsurkunde Sompolno ev. 1848/127.
1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.
1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.
1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.
2Kosciol ewangelicki (Evangelical Church), Parafja Sompolno (Kolo) (Salt Lake City: Filmed by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971, 1982, 1988), 0758347/1841/#30, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA, FHL films 0758347-0758351, 1191411-1191414, 1608618-1608619.
1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.
1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.
2Richard D. Rossin, #2.
1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.
2Rose (Joachim) Ingram, #3.
1Al Muth and Connie Domreis (Domreis for Poddebice parish only)- many of central Poland parishes, #1.
2Rose (Joachim) Ingram, #3.
1Sterbeurkunde Sompolno ev. 1856/189.
1Taufregister Chełmce rk, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150, USA.
2Taufregister Chełmce rk.
3Sterbeurkunde Sompolno ev. 1856/189.
5Taufregister Chełmce rk.
6Taufregister Chełmce rk.